Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Unnecessary Matter.

It was suggested to me to look up Peter Singer. I did. Conclusion:

"Dr. Peter Singer=psycopath."
Seriously, how does this guy gets his ideas into books, and then worse, published!? And head of the ethics committee at Princeton, rather, is hired to lecture at all? I tend to have a great respect for professors, considering that their ideas and time have, for the most part, earned them their doctorate and title. This is one exception.

While true that my knowledge of him consists in the first page of hits on a google search, I am convinced that a good ol' fashion book burning might just be in order. Anything possibly "good" to come out of him has already been said by others, hence he is irrelevant.

Since it is clear that he suffers from mental illness it would be in his best interest, if following his own "moral theory" that he be killed ... he'll barely feel it.


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