Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Out of Hibernation...and pleasantly surprised!

Wow. I don't have to do the html entirely on my own anymore! That's new to me.

After having ignored my blogs for years now, I come to realize that not only do they still exist, (the internet is a seemingly eternal entity) but how damned pretentious I was. Although, in truth, that may not have changed much. Perhaps I have become more grounded, perhaps I have simply lost some of my youthful passion...along with the youth, and perhaps I am simply distracted by other things. The two latter statements are probably closer to reality that the former. Only time will tell I suppose, contingent of course on my commitment to writing on at least a semi-regular basis. If I can't even commit to putting my random, irrational, illogical thoughts to the internet for all and no one to see...what can I commit to? Obviously not my studies for the endeavour to write here stems from procrastination. It always does. Having said that, then you should see me quite regularly for the next 4 months.



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