Friday, February 20, 2009

...and the procrastination begins...

I found it hilarious yesterday as Stephen Harper awkwardly basked in the glory of his visitor, President Barack Obama. Ah, the hilariousness of it all was well worth the time to watch grown men wave at random people.

Onto other issues... appears that we are in some sort of financial crisis. Hmm, apparently the ideology of perpetual growth ISN'T the best "way". But heck, no one could have forseen the consequences, for the end all be all is open-market capitalism in the context of democratic liberalism. However, neither are sustainable, nor ideal. But I will leave my opinions on this for another time.

My simple statement for today is, if you nationalize it in practice, nationalize it in principle!!!! What the hell are people afraid of here....that they may actually reap benefit from this, or that they might be called reds?

Barack Obama: full of charisma and rhetoric...balls not included.


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