Monday, February 27, 2006

ENRON: A Drop In the Bucket

The other night I had the pleasure of watching the documentary "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room". I highly recommend it as it brings to light, not just the story of one company and the corruption from within, but the serious issue of cronyism and greed that plagues both the government and corporations. You can read what CorpWatch had to say about the film here.

Profit over people, as it turns out is not simply a catch phrase, but an ongoing synopsis of capitalism as it operates in conjunction with the free market.

Here is a list of 14 companies that are pursuing the interest of profit over people as stated through lengthy list of human rights violations provided by Global Exchange.

Here is a list of the top 100 Corporate Criminals as provided by the Multinational Monitor.

There are also a number of websites that contain insightful information about the practices of large corporations, in particular, oil companies. I have included a small number of them here with a strong suggestion that you look through them. Many of these discuss the issue of oil extraction and consumption in the context of an addiction that we must conquer, something which I too believe.

Oil Watch
Halliburton Watch
Oil Change International
Foreign Policy in Focus
Project Underground
Earth Works
Amazon Watch

Industry News
Oil News
Oil and Gas Journal
Oil Online

Statistical Review of World Energy by BP

I will add these all to my permanent links for future reference.

I will include a more developed commentary on the issues of oil consumption, corporate loopholes; human rights violations; environmental violations; corruption, and so forth, at a later date. Please feel free to comment on any of the suggested readings, or if you have further ideas and even better links.


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