Thursday, February 16, 2006

Discretion in Free Speech

So this is me exercising my freedom of speech. Let it be known that I agree with neither representation. Although you can bet that Ezra Levant is silently (out of fear of appearing all too hypocritical, practicing extreme double standards) extremely offended at the latter representation.

And it is to all of you that take great pride in exercising our "freedom" of speech that I appeal. Please, in your representations, do not let it slide that it is not the religion, or the nationality, or the ethnicity, or even the borders that one comes from, that provoke horrendous acts. Violence stems from environment, such as media and teachers, and history, and ignorance. It stems from oppression, and unjustness, and persercussion, and from people like Ezra Levant, who take advantage of an already shaky situation, and make it even worse while taunting his "rights" while staying safely close to home.

This is of all leading up to the much talked about cartoon controversy.

Example 1:
You are a caucasion tourist who walks into Harlem and hears one african-american call another a "nigga." Nothing happens of any violent sort, so you then take it upon yourself to call that same man a "Nigga". Do you think they will take offense?

Just as it is inappropriate for a white person to call a black person a "Nigga", it is to inappropriate for a christian community to knowingly offend a muslim one.

Example 2: You are a kindergarten teacher. You have one child in a class of 30 that continually acts up. The rest of your students are well behaved despite the disruptions of the one unruly student. But instead of re-inforcing the positive students behaviour, you continually irk the unruly student by continually putting him and the entire class down because of his behaviour. Slowly the rest of the class begins to view you as the unjust party for constant condemnation, rather than viewing the unruly student as the one who is truly unjust for inhibiting their time to learn.

Just as the cartoons were only one stupid call on the part, of now many western publishers, this has not been the first and is not the last offending action that they will make towards Muslims, mostly abroad (though felt worldwide). Eventually, the Muslim community will take offense, and no one can really blame them. These cartoons as published in Western Media, and rightfully so, can be legitimately viewed as western propoganda at a time when many Muslims are under the power of western occupation, and where their rights and freedoms have essentially been stripped by the same people that proudly speak of these "freedoms."

If we would all just think before before we speak, or act. Then maybe we wouldn't be so ignorant and stupid.


Blogger Patrick Hayes said...

Nicely said. The big daily newspapers in my area have been receiving tons of mail supporting free speech and the publication of these cartoons. The usual suspects (ACLU and similar) are not the ones clamoring for free speech. It is Christian conservative groups defending free speech. A few months ago, these same "free speechers" were clamoring for the censorship of a transexual drawing on a nearby college campus, go figure.

February 25, 2006 9:06 a.m.  

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