Wednesday, February 15, 2006

An Exercise in Self Reflection

They say that Life isn't predictable. Sure, things happen that we don't expect, but for the most part, I disagree with this statement. I can tell you right now, that if I make a certain decision, what the consequences will be. For example, if I don't pay my rent, eventually they will kick me out of my apartment, after going to court and paying restitution. If I run a red light on a busy street during rush hour, chances are I am not walking away uninjured.

Perhaps predictability is the wrong term. The essence is more along the lines of discretion, and caution, and above all common sense, which as they say once again, is not so common.

What is my point you ask? The point is that you are responsible for your actions, for your future, your destiny. No one else. Think about that. No one else is to blame for your bad choices, nor are they to take credit for the positive ones. No matter what the pressure, it is ultimately up to you.

Now if everyone would just think about this for a minute. Take the time to contemplate the fact that every action they take is there own, and therefore they bear the burden of all consequences that may ensue, whether good or bad. Perhaps more people would actually contemplate their actions before hand. Perhaps, they would reflect enough to distinguish the bad choices from the good. Sure, this wouldn't happen all the time, and bad choices will still be made, but perhaps there will be less of them. And if you care to know what I think, I do believe that people may be more respectful, empathetic, and perhaps even a little less ignorant. And all of this from a little self reflection.


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